
September 1, 2012

Gender Revealing Party

I had heard of one other person in the whole world having a gender revealing party before we decided to throw one for our second child back in March of 2011.  We invited 30+ people and I had to explain to every single person what we were doing because none of them had heard of it either.  Now it seems like it's the thing to do. I like to think we started a trend.  Ha ha, yeah right.
I made over 70 cupcakes so I would have enough for
everyone with the correctly colored icing on the inside.
 I iced all the blue-filled and all
the pink-filled exactly the same.
A neighbor came over, looked at the ultrasound,
and set out the appropriate tray of cupcakes
 on the table. She put the others in the fridge so we
could send our friends home with a snack for later.
We had blue and pink candy and drinks too.
Is Addi going to have a little brother or a little sister?
This group thought the baby was a girl.
...and this was the blue crew anticipating a little boy.
It's a...........BOY!!! 
As thrilled as we could be!

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