
October 28, 2012

Fall Fairs and Festivals

Don't you just love when things work out so perfectly that you could not have planned it any better?  Well, that's what I thought about when I looked at our schedule for the week.  When planning for Letter F week, I knew we would be studying Fall but I had no clue we would be so fortunate for the NC State Fair, the YMCA Fall Festival, and a local church's Fall Festival all to land within the same time frame.  We have had so much fun this week!  

Here are some of the books we read about Fairs.

It had been a few years since we went to the North Carolina State Fair.  I will say, it is a completely different experience when you are taking your one and two year olds.  We had such a blast though!  We rode a few of the rides.  We checked out all the animals and of course...we ate some Funnel Cake!

 We love the local YMCA and were very thankful they hosted a wonderful FREE fall festival.  They had tons of games, inflatable, face painting, arts and crafts and food!

A local church in the area also has an annual fall festival.  Each year we look forward to the games and food but the most exciting attraction is the Hay Mountain that they kiddos (and some of us adults) like to jump off of.

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