
August 31, 2012

Favorite cakes

About a year ago my best friend from college introduced me to Pinterest and I quickly became addicted to pinning.  After a few weeks I realized my to-do list had grown exponentially.  I had craft projects I wanted to complete and recipes I wanted to try.  I created a list of supplies I wanted to start collecting and asked for many of those items for Christmas.  Since then I've a been able to complete a few of the projects, but not near as many as I still have on my list.  I've tried a ton of new recipes for dinner but like many of you desserts are my favorite. These are two cakes I have made that I will have to make time to bake again very soon.

This was a 5-layer raspberry lemonade cake!  YUM!

This was a chocolate chip moose cheesecake from scratch.  Ahhhhhh.... so good!

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