
December 6, 2012

Letter of the Week - Letter I

Click on the link below to see our curriculum for the week.

As usual we start our week off with handwriting practice and making sure we know what letter our themes are focused around.

All about the number 9!
One of the themes we studied this week was ice (and igloos).  We looked up a lot of pictures of igloos online and we did a science experiment to see what the best way to melt ice including warm water and heat (from a hair dryer).


Following the week of Thanksgiving, we of course had to learn a few more things about Indians.  We read a few books and made sugar cone tee pees as a fun sensory activity/snack!

We also had a great time learning about Iguanas this week.  Sweet Addi-girl had a melt down one day because she wanted to call it a lizard.  I tried to explain that lizard starts with the letter L and this week we were learning about a type of lizard that begins with the letter I.  She wasn't going to have it!  Maybe this a good reason not to use "iguana" as the major letter I theme.

I scream, you scream, we all scream...for ICE CREAM!  We had a few other books all about ice cream but when it came time for me to take a picture of them, they were no where to be found.  Oh, well.

The ice cream alphabet matching is a busy bag game from our first busy bag swap. Addi really had a lot of fun with it this week.  We set up all the lowercase cones in alphabetical order and after handing her the ice-cream scoop with the capital letter she ran and ran and ran around the circle saying the letter over and over again until she finally stumbled upon it (quite literally a few times).

 We made ice cream cones for our lowercase i.  The cherry on top is suppose to be the dot, but instead it looks like all the kids had problems gluing it in the right spot.  Oh well, watcha going to do?

Our ice cream cone magnets on the fridge!

Thanks to Grammy we had some ice cream shaped side walk chalk.  Addi kept pretending to eat it.

This was a really fun art project and math lesson all in one.  First Addilyn decorated her ice cream scoops in all the different flavors.  Next I placed a number card on the cone and she had to top her cone with that many scoops.  We ended the game with the number 9 (the number of the week) and she got to glue all of them on top of one another.

This was Addilyn's first time really finger painting all on her own.  She made a few circles so we could cut them out and place them in her cone.

Balling up tissue paper and making an ice cream...

 This sensory activity was also great fine motor practice.  Addilyn had to scoop the cotton balls ("ice cream") into the bowl using a spoon and then we drizzled on a little brown paint ("hot chocolate").  She added a few "sprinkles" and of course the "cherry on top."

We studied "insects" because it begins with an I, but all my two year understands is that we learned about "bugs." Ha ha.  One of our first activities was to take a walk to the wetland center where an instructor taught Addi and Siah about how the insect caterpillar turns into a butterfly.  They had this really neat stuffed animal that she used when talking about it that actually transformed.  We also got to put together an insect puzzle.

I asked Addi to teach her brother how to sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and they both became very dramatic in their singing and dancing.

Here is our insect themed snacks made from vanilla wafers, pretzels, marshmallows, peanut butter, and raisins.  Don't ask me what some of these things turned out to be because I have no clue.  Ha ha.

Play-doh and pipe cleaner insects!

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