
February 20, 2013


When I first started looking into preschool activities, I was seeing Do-A-Dot activities everywhere.  I went to pick up a Do-A-Dot marker for Addi and suffering from a case of sticker shock, I ended up not getting one.  After looking at four different stores the cheapest one I found was $3 and the cheapest set (a 6 pack) was $15.  I started wondering what it was that made them so great.  Then, low and behold, one day as I was walking through the Dollar Tree I saw "Bingo Markers."  They come in all the same colors, are actually are smaller in circumference (so they fit in a preschooler's hand better) and they are only $1 each!  I only purchased one at the time because I wanted to see if the quality was equivalent to the price or if I had really truly just found a great deal.  Fortunately, the later was true.  I went back around Christmas time and purchased 3 other colors that we put in Addilyn's stocking.  I'm so excited about my find and I hope you can benefit from it too!

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