
December 10, 2012

Letter of the Week - Letter J

To see our curriculum for the week please click below.

It was a jungle in our house this week!  We started with the fun foam stickers and made a cute tree with a monkey and a lion.  Addi wanted more,  but that's all I had.

We made a capital letter Jaguar.  I discovered that she is getting very good at drawing circles.

Then over the course of the next day or so we made several different paper plate jungle animals including a snake, a parrot, and a lion (which was great for cutting practice).

I thought they al turned out great!

 We read several jungle themed books.

We played a jungle animal matching number game.

And on Friday, we made a safari vest and some binoculars so we could go on a safari and look for all the jungle animals.  ;)

 And, of course, we had a jungle-rific snack.  

Lowercase j for jewels.

I'm not sure if this makes me a good mom or a bad mom, but I taught my kids that J is for jumping and I let them jump off the couch all week.  I can justify that this was to develop their gross motor skills but, whatever, it was just plain fun!  Seriously, over the course of the week they had HOURS of excitement with this activity.  

 J is for juice and oh, how my kids love them some juice; however, we always drink it from a carton.  So, I thought this would be the perfect week to teach my little ones how to make juice yourself.  We purchased a huge bag of oranges and then I realized when I got home I didn't have a hand held juicer.  I asked my one had one.  I looked at 5 different stores and I could not find one...and then I realized how sad it was that no one has or sells juicers anymore.  So, we went the even more old fashioned way and just squeezed them ourselves.  Addi on more than one occasion said, "Mommy, this not easy."  But, oh how my little girl was just thrilled at her hard work!

What is J week without Jello Jigglers?  I thought that this was more than applicable.  Infact, jello for letter J week is pretty much a necessity.  This was the first time we had done jello in a long long time and it brought me so much joy watching my little girl have the best time with her new favorite snack.

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