Alright, so letter Q is quite quirky. After letter P week where there were 1,001 themes to choose from we were pretty limited for letter Q week. We still had a lot of fun and it gave me a chance to take a day or two off so we could run errands, play, and plan for the next few weeks. It was a really nice change of pace to be honest. We have less than 10 weeks left in our letter of the week series. My how time flies.
Here is Addilyn's capital Q quail.
I cut up some fabric and let Addi make a no-sew lowercase q quilt. She thought this was so neat.
When she was finished we rested on her baby quilt I had made before she was born. We traced the rectangles in the quilt and counted the different patterns.
We did several different queen themed activities. First we painted a queen on a toilet paper roll with q-tips. Addi liked painting with q-tips.
We also dressed up like a queen and made crowns with friends to wear as we played pretend.
And, of course, here are our letter Q books for the week.
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