I am starting a series called Moments with Mommies. I would
love to start each week highlighting God’s grace in a mom who is striving for
righteousness and desires to raise their children to love Jesus. I want these posts really focus in on
applying the gospel to parenting. I want
moms to talk about real life stuff, the every day, the nitty-gritty. However, I do NOT want my blog to become a
source of contention for anyone so I want to avoid posts and comments that
center around individuals’ opinions on “mommy war” topics. In an effort to get the ball rolling I want
to share with you about how we have been trying to apply Ephesians 6:1 over the
past few months.
My cheerful, courageous, cuddle bear is 18 months old and my
daughter, who will be three in a couple of months, is beautiful, bright and
very spirited. She recently has begun
the habit of yelling “NO” at me when she doesn’t like the instructions I’ve
given her. I’ve found that the odds of
me raising my voice in response to her far exceed the times I choose to remain
composed. Sometimes I spank her immediately
because I am angry about her disrespect towards me.
It’s then that I realize that the basis of my response comes
from an idol of control in my own heart.
My angry response to my daughter communicates to her that her offense is
primarily towards me. When, in all
actuality, her chief offense is disobeying a holy and righteous God who
communicates clearly through scripture that children should honor their father
and mother. If I can think rightly about
her sin and what is going on in her heart, then I can also remind her of the
saving work of Jesus. Once I am able to
speak truth to her, I am also more likely to address her disrespectful attitude
in a calm manner. And, if I decide her
actions are worthy of a spanking, I can administer it in love and with proper
By God’s grace, He has been helping us to memorize Ephesians
6:1 and recently I’ve tried incorporating it into our conversation when she
disobeys. Here is a series of questions
we typically go through now that have proved helpful in directing her heart
(and my own).
“Honey, are you choosing to obey or
disobey mommy right now?” Disobey.
“What does Eph 6:1 say about this?”
Children obey your parents in the Lord
for this is right.
“When you disobey, does that make
God happy or sad?” Sad.
“Let's ask God to forgive
you?” God, I’m sorry for disobeying you.
“Hey hun, did you know that because
of Jesus, God can forgive you?” ~Usually
she gives a small smile here.
“When you disobey mommy, does it
make mommy happy or sad?” Sad.
“Can you ask me to forgive
you?” Mommy, will you forgive me?
“Yes! I forgive you and I love
you!!!!!” ~And usually I get a BIG hug here!
What about you?
Please share with us some scriptures you use to direct your child's
heart to obedience in the heat of the moment.
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