
March 13, 2013

Letter of the Week- Letter S

Letter S week, or should I say weeks, were jam packed.  We took our time for several reasons. Josiah decided to finally drop his morning nap and we had decided that this was the week he needed to give up his pacifier.  We had a few nights/ days where crying took priority over sleep for my little man and it was hard to figure out a new routine as to when Addi's lessons would be best to complete. We also had one of Addi and Josiah's friends come and stay with us for a few days while his mommy was in the hospital having his new baby sister.  In addition to all of that, my husband was transitioning from one job to another and had a week off in-between.  Our days looked nothing like they usually do.  Any routine we were trying to establish was out the window.  All of this to say, it took us quite awhile to get through the letter S but we had an super time going slow.

Even if our days were off, here is the intended curriculum and a list of the activities we tried to accomplish this week.

S is for snakes.

Addi's uppercase S snake

We painted a paper towel roll and then cut it in a spiral shape.  We added eyes and a tongue and Addi chased us all round with her snake all afternoon.

Now, one day we took a trip to the Science Museum because I knew they had lots of snakes.  We also went to story time where they got to learn about snakes and hold them.  However, I forgot they also had a sloth.  We happened to show up just about the time the sloth was coming out for his lunch.  So, even though I hadn't planned on teaching S is for sloth, it worked in our favor.  

S is for Sun, Stars and Sand!

Since we didn't have time to make a trip to the beach, Addi made her first sand art instead.

Here is her sun catcher.

This is the easiest counting game by far.  I cut out a circle and lots of little strips of paper.  I told Addi we had to give the sun its rays and count them as we put them on.  This was great!  We are getting on up there in numbers and she gets a little lost sometimes in the teens, but for the most part I think she is catching on.  

We also took a stencil and Addi made lots of stars.  She was so proud of herself for drawing al the stars.  It was great to see her so excited.

S is for snow.  Unfortunately there was no chance of snow this week.  It was one of those Southeast early spring weeks in which the temperature actually got up to about 70 degrees outside.  Instead of playing in snow, we just read some books and made popsicle snowflakes.  I had planned on a shaving cream activity, but I had run out of the cheap sensitive skin type that we typically use and I wasn't about to use my husband's.  Ha ha.

S is for shapes!!!  Addi was thrilled to sort shape stickers.  She got really creative and started sticking them on top of one another and made shape towers.  

We also played the shape matching game.

We pulled out an older busy bag and used the shape roads with some of Josiah's new cars.

Addilyn worked on all the shape matching worksheets I had and was still asking for more.  

We played the popsicle shape game.  The last time we used this busy bag she wasn't too interest, but this week she played with it several times and it actually entertained her for quiet awhile.  I was pretty impressed.

Finally, I had picked up this set of shape magnets over a year ago for Addi back when she was potty training.  I had stored them away with the other prizes, but somehow or another they slipped out of the bag and had been lost behind the washing machine.  Anyway, I got this set for $1 at the Dollar Tree.  Addi has played shape matching about 10 times since I pulled it out.  I'm not sure what she loves about it so much, but I'm not going to complain.

S stand for so many other things, we just kind of went with it.  As other things popped up, we did it.
With the warmer weather we visited the park a few times this week and played on the swings and slides, perfect for letter S week.  Addi also was excited because she found a stick and I told her she could keep it since it starts with the letter s.  You might be able to see it in a couple of the pictures.

We played I Spy with pictures cards and a magnifying glass.  Josiah used his bubble wand as his magnifying glass, ha ha.

I saw a lady on Pinterest who did pancakes in the shape of the letter of her kids names, so on the morning we were having pancakes, I thought, why not?

Addi has known the Itsy Bitsy Spider song forever, but this book includes six verses.  I pulled out the video camera one day because she was pretending to read to Josiah and sang the song for about 35 minutes straight, over and over again.  

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