October 20, 2012

Letter of the Week- Letter E

This week was letter E week, or more commonly known in our house as "Elephant Week."  Addi had a great time with her lessons.  During our bible time we talked about worship.  Addi thought it was really neat that prayer, singing, reading the bible, and serving others are all ways we can worship God.  As we sat down for lunch she said a little prayer all by herself for the first time.  She even included the phase, "Thank you most for Jesus and save my heart." Whoa....talk about melting a momma's heart!!!

Eggs that are any color except white are deemed Easter eggs by Addilyn.  She was so excited to color her "Easter eggs" for letter E week.

 Who knew that one letter E stamp could be so fun?

 Uppercase E for Envelopes!

Lowercase e for elephant!

I cut out pieces of felt so Addilyn could make faces on her felt board.  I tried to get her to focus more on the eyes and ears for letter E week, but what fun is that?  She really liked picking out hair for the people.  I guess we'll do this again for letter F week and probably letter H week.

Addilyn really enjoyed painting her trunk and making an elephant mask!  She went around making elephant noises all afternoon and chasing her brother who absolutely loved the attention.
 Addi was working on her number 5 worksheets and got carried away coloring her five goldfish.

 Addi covering one of her eyes for her eye exam.
And it just so happens all the pictures for her eye exam begin with the letter E.

 We boiled eggs and made egg salad sandwiches for lunch.

After counting her five fingers on each hand, I had an idea that we could paint her fingernails and toenails.  Oh, did my little princess like that, or what?

 I hid plastic eggs all around the living room and Addilyn had to put them in the matching color-coordinated spot in the egg carton.  I'm pretty sure we played this game about 9-10 times.


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